Contents Ads and Generative AI: the new frontier of Artificial Intelligence applied to the AdTech world

― March 6, 2023

The business unit verticalised on AdTech and Media makes use of content created by Artificial Intelligence to cluster highly qualitative audiences.

Contents Ads, a division of, applies Generative AI to the AdTech world, one of the most recent and revolutionary applications of Artificial Intelligence based on deep learning, currently at the peak of its popularity all over the world. is, in fact, among the first tech companies to extrapolate first-party audiences starting from content created automatically through Generative AI. Thanks to this highly innovative technology, has managed to create a large amount of original and scalable content in record time, which steadily built a network of websites created entirely by AI, now present in various countries inside and outside the EU.

The new Generative AI model adopted by the tech company is not limited to creating high quality content technologically from scratch; it is also able, once created, to translate them into all languages thanks to a process called Natural Language Generation (NLG). The latter aspect represents an enormous advantage for the Contents Ads division, which, starting from the vast audience of readers that make use of these articles, collects first-party data on a global level; all the information from users who have interacted with AI generated content is continuously collected within a proprietary Audience Builder, where it is clustered according to various parameters and subsequently integrated with an Ad Tech Stack. This second set of technologies allows for the identification of new behavioural nuances that constantly enrich and perfect the starting audiences through a continuous process of optimisation.

Thanks to the extraordinary generative power of AI, coupled with the NLG process, Contents Ads constantly populates its Audience Builder with high quality first-party data collected throughout the globe; in this way, the tech company poses itself as a valuable ally for brands aiming to grow their initial audience through technology, helping them reach their campaign objectives more rapidly in terms of both branding and performance.

“Everyone is talking about Generative AI and its multiple applications nowadays, but few are emphasizing the major advantages it offers to the AdTech world: clustering first-party audiences from AI generated content represents, in fact, an enormous opportunity, not only in terms of analysis and data quality, but also as an opportunity for scalability at a global level”, says Alessandro Calatroni, Head of Sales & Account Management for Contents Ads. “ is among the first companies to use generative AI in an innovative way, to create original content that supports the clustering of new audiences. This, other than making us more attractive to the Early Adopter public, helps to consolidate our position, favouring our growth on the national and international market”.